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Multi Family Dwellings Targets of International Terrorism; case study By Lance Winslow

America changed after 9-11 when we realized that just because we are half way around the world we are not without danger from radical international terrorist murderers. Admitting this problem and understanding that our enemies may try to exploit our weaknesses our Think Tank set out to protect the American People. First we determined we must identify any potential targets that were at risk and then figure out ways to protect these assets.

We had heard that International Terrorists may try to hit multi-family apartment complexes. One night after watching the news and listening to the warnings, out think tank had played out Dick Cheneys warning and thought up a worst-case scenario of how the International Terrorists might try to hit Multi-family complexes. What methods might they use? We determined that most likely they would use of fire and start a fire down wind one to three miles leading up to the buildings.

They would most likely use a hot windy day or night. We had thought that to maximize their element of surprise that they would try to attack these types of buildings and get people at night-time. To attack such buildings the International Terrorists would only be able to use a few types of attacks, such as; gases and/or viruses in ventilation systems, or fire. We had also thought that in many situations that explosions are not going to work, it takes too much explosive and these buildings are too big.

We had considered the International Terrorists might try to bio-agents or germs on all the handles of the apartments. Also of interest back in CA many died when the apartment complexes with underground parking structures collapsed in the Northridge Earthquake, thus we considered those type of complexes might be attacked by a car bomb and three points and the whole thing collapses, if there were four or more stories, pretty much everyone would be toast.

After looking at all these scenarios our think tank came up with ways to shore up such risks and alleviate the potential areas that the International Terrorists might try to exploit. One of the best ideas we came up with was the quick alerting of security when suspicious people showed up would solve this using my plan of:

http://www.lancewinslow.org/nmwp.shtml .

Another way to prevent the spread of such bio-agents or chemicals would be to steam clean the facilities often, although we considered that video camera surveillance would be best. Most all multi-family dwellings now of this type do have video surveillance now. I take multi-family news and other magazines in that industry and have an uncle who owns in partnership about 450 apartment complex units at universities in 7 states. He is a little concerned as well. Mostly due to stock price and investment. He is a firm believer in the video surveillance and security.

You can go to any industry website now and see all the inexpensive video camera surveillance systems available. We are safe from such attacks now do to the private sector and the residents demands for safety. This area is no longer a big threat and ultimately not a good option for International Terrorists. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

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